Three farms in Northern New Mexico have received a Healthy Soil Program grant from the NM Department for Agriculture to give their soils a boost and get ready for winter! Join us in Hernandez on Wednesday September 20 or Monday October 9, 2023, or in Española on Friday October 6, 2023.

For all three days, we’ll be applying a carbon soil amendment with Reunity Resources compost, then seeding a cover crop mix of oats, winter peas, radishes, rapeseed, rye and vetch. We’ll be inoculating/coating the seed mix using Johnson-Su compost from the Mother Nature Center and also a furrow application of compost extract. Some seeds will be applied using small hand tools, others with a Johnny’s six row seeder, a tow-behind seeder/spreader, and a 6-foot no-till drill from East Rio Arriba SWCD.

You will be able to observe these different applications and test the tools.

These field days are hosted in partnership between the Seeding Regenerative Agriculture Project, NM Healthy Soil and Santa Fe Farmers Market Institute.