NM Healthy Soil Working Group
The NM Healthy Soil Working Group is assembling a powerful network of agriculture and conservation organizations, urban and rural residents, consumers and producers alike, with the goal to significantly accelerate soil health stewardship in the state. We aim to catalyze widespread adoption of management principles that result in greater soil health and associated co-benefits, creating prosperous and strong land based communities, nutritious food, a healthy environment and a viable future for our planet.
NM Healthy Soil Blog
Blackdom: Planting Seeds of Freedom in New Mexico
In celebration of Black History Month, learn about a safe place for Black people to thrive in the early 20th century. READ MORE
How a State Public Bank in New Mexico can benefit Farmers
The Public Banking Act (HB 130) has been pre-filed in the 2025 legislative session READ MORE
Apply for NMDA’s Healthy Soil Program
Apply by March 19, 2025 for a grant from the NM Department of Agriculture (NMDA). READ MORE
The Benefits of Big Sacaton Grass (Sporobolus wrightii) Windbreaks for Soil Biology
Explore windbreaks as a valuable tool for building soil health and a sustainable, resilient landscape. READ MORE
The Trouble with Carbon
The enormous complexity of carbon cycling does not fit into our habits of narrow problem-solving. READ MORE
Leave the Leaves!
The best way to reduce greenhouse gases and benefit your garden is to leave the leaves as a natural mulch that protects pollinators and the micro-organisms in the soil. READ MORE