Thursday February 20, 2020
THANK YOU, soil health supporters!
The legislature has adjourned and thanks to your engagement and advocacy, we have some good results to share with you.
Just in these last hours of the session, the Senate approved recurring funding of $127,000 for the Healthy Soil Program on top of the $100,000 already in the Dept. of Agriculture’s baseline budget. NRCS/USDA has indicated a dollar for dollar match of these funds.
In addition, $200,000 was allocated to build capacity within our state’s Soil and Water Conservation Districts, one of the key entities implementing the program.
Given the competitive nature of this budget session, these are excellent results!
Please sign on to our letter to Governor Lujan-Grisham,
asking her to support these allocations for the Healthy Soil Program.
Write a thank you note to our legislative champions listed below!
Let them know you noticed and are grateful they care about soil health.
Thank you to our terrific House Bill (HB 166) Sponsors Representative Jack Chatfield and Representative Nathan Small!
Representative Jack Chatfield
Representative Nathan Small
Thank you to Senator Liz Stefanics for sponsoring SB 219, funding for soil health assessments!
Senator Liz Stefanics
Thank you to all the Senators that helped provide or support an amendment to HB2 to increase funding for the Healthy Soil Program, including:
Senator William Burt
Senator Pete Campos
Senator Jacob Candelaria
Senator Stuart Ingle
Senator George Muñoz
Senator Steven Neville
Senator John Sapien
Senator John Arthur Smith
Senator Mimi Stewart
Senator Peter Wirth peter.wirth@nmlegis.govSenator Pat Woods
Finally, a big thank you to all the other representatives and senators and other vital partners who have been so helpful all along!
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