Several funding opportunities related to soil health stewardship have upcoming deadlines! Contact us if you need grant writing support, we’re happy to help.
2020 Native Youth & Culture Fund
The First Nations Development Institute is accepting proposals for its 2020 Native Youth & Culture Fund Grants.
Application deadline is March 12, 2020
Invited are projects that focus on youth and support the perpetuation of traditional ecological knowledge, spirituality and the intergenerational transfer of knowledge systems, resulting in compassion, respect, dignity, reverence for nature, and care for each other and the Earth. First Nations expects to award approximately 20 grants of between $5,000 and $19,500 each for projects of no longer than one year in length.
Learn more about Native Youth & Culture Fund Grants at
Local Farmer Innovation Enterprise (LIFE) Grants
The New Mexico Farmers’ Marketing Association is offering grants of up to $3,000 for farmers wishing to solve problems, test innovations, or mitigate risk.
Grant applications are due March 15, 2020.
Grant applications must meet one of these two purposes:
1. To expand specialty crop varieties and/or crop volume sold through New Mexico retail outlets;
2. To pilot or expand regenerative agriculture practices.
If you are considering a regenerative project, you will need to address any or all of the 5 Key Principles of Soil Health.
Learn more about the LIFE Grants and other funding opportunities at
Permaculture Fund
The New Mexico Community Foundation is offering this grant opportunity to 501c3 organizations focused on supporting permaculture-based environmental work throughout the state.
Grant applications are due at noon, March 26, 2020.
The 2020 grant cycle will focus on projects that create healthy urban, rural, and tribal communities using one or more of the following permaculture principles:
1. ecologically-sustainable agriculture (projects can include seed production, organic farming and gardening);
2. community revitalization through promotion of, and education about sustainable living practices (creative water use/harvesting, small-scale land restoration, natural building design, traditional skills/cottage industries, soil health, composting, and other zero-waste systems); and
3. cultural work that restores connections between ecosystems and people.
Learn more about the Permaculture Fund at
Young Farmer Grants
The National Young Farmers Coalition is launching a new grant program to help young and beginning farmers and ranchers start up and grow their businesses. In 2020 Young Farmers Coalition will provide 50 farmers and ranchers from across the US with grants of $5,000 each. Grant recipients will also receive a one-year membership to the National Young Farmers Coalition.
¡Las solicitudes están abiertas! Solicite ahora hasta el 29 de marzo 2020.
Applications are due March 29, 2020 at 11:59pm ET. Winners will be announced May 8th.
Learn more about Young Farmer Grants at
There will be an open call for questions on March 11 at 7pm ET. Register here.

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