Launching New Mexico Healthy Soil Advocates!

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By Claudia Reynoso, NM Soil Health Working Group Principal

Now is the time to be active in the causes we are passionate about. For me it’s conservation efforts in our beautiful state of New Mexico, including soil health and youth outreach. Now is the time to activate our community to increase soil health throughout the state of New Mexico. There are many opportunities to be part of the change in your community.

Join me as I embark on this new adventure to charge up our New Mexico Soil Health Advocates. What does this mean? This means that you will be part of a volunteer group that gets their hands dirty, employs their skills, and continues to learn how to be an effective advocate. You will also be part of a family that cares deeply for the health of their community’s soil in order to increase social, environmental, and economic prosperity.

Volunteer Opportunities

  • Research
    • Immediate need: Help us create an inventory of shared equipment & tools in the state that farmers and ranchers can access to improve soil health.
  • Advocacy
    • Take the Kiss the Ground Advocacy online course and become part of a statewide soil health advocacy cohort!
  • Writing/Content creation
    • Do you like to write? Submit a letter to the editor on timely topics related to soil health and regenerative agriculture. We’re also always looking for articles for our blog on org

Go social: Post your picture and statement to social media using these tags:  #nmhealthysoil, #nmregenerativeagriculture, #nmregenerativeag, #nmhealthysoiladvocates

Facebook: @nmsoilstewards

Instagram: @nmhealthysoil

YouTube: @NMHealthySoilWorkingGroup

Questions? Feel free to contact me…

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