Branching Out
David and Mary Lucero share lessons learned at the Integrated Orchard Field Day in Fort Sumner in September 2023.
David and Mary Lucero share lessons learned at the Integrated Orchard Field Day in Fort Sumner in September 2023.
Soul Fire Farm’s guide How Alive is my Soil? presents soil testing methods that can be performed in the field by farmers, gardeners, or anyone who desires to understand and appreciate soil from a different perspective.
NM Healthy Soil Working Group is now offering free assistance in assessing your soil health
using Cornell University’s CASH Protocol.
Starting Saturday, March 26th, 2022 the Middle Rio Grande Community Soil Health Lab will be open to the public for soil, water, compost testing services, and more.
Healthy Soil Program grant funding allowed Ian Colburn of solarpunk farm to give cover crops a try and not be afraid to make mistakes.
LandPKS is a free app, developed at the Jornada Experimental Range in New Mexico. The new module provides a way to learn about local wildlife and how to create more habitat.
Quivira Coalition is offering free farm or ranch planning to help New Mexico farmers and ranchers improve soil health.
LandPKS is a free app, developed right here in New Mexico at the Jornada Experimental Range and NMSU, with an international team of researchers and students. Download the app on Android and iPhones and use LandPKS to better understand the … Continued
NOBLE RESEARCH INSTITUTE Many soil health measures require laboratory analysis. However, there are a few indicators you can look and smell for right in the field.
To improve our understanding and ability to influence the soil’s response to changes in human management, we need to move beyond the current soil chemical approach to a more complex view of the interactions between soil physical, chemical, and biological … Continued